"Finding a Purpose In Puppets", from The Washington Post Loudoun Extra, January 29, 2004
"Puppets Mark National Children's Book Week", from the Bull Run Observer, December 3, 2003
"Fun On a String", from The Market Courier, February, 2001
Profiled in the book Cool Careers for Girls in the Performing Arts
Pictures of Circus on Strings from The Loudoun Connection, March 1, 2000
Pictures of The Holly Follies from The Washington Post Loudoun Extra, December 16, 1999
Pictures of Monster Revue from the Loudoun Connection, November 3-9, 1999
"Wall's Carousel Puppets Entertain Adults and Children", review from
Sterling Connection, January 27, 1999
"Wall entertains with puppet strings attached", A Business Profile from
Loudoun Times-Mirror, September 2, 1998
"Monsters Imaginable", profile from The Eastern Loudoun Observer, March 6, 1998